Discrimination in Latin America PDF
By:Hugo opo,Alberto Chong,Andrea Moro
Published on 2009-12-03 by World Bank Publications
While there is a strongly held belief that Latin American societies are highly discriminatory, the economic profession has found relatively little evidence for this perception, and until recently other social sciences had prevailed in the discussion of this timely and relevant topic. The development of new tools for analyzing the economic mechanisms underlying discrimination, however, has opened up several avenues for research. This book presents a set of studies on contemporary discrimination in Latin America that takes advantage of these new tools by focusing on social interactions that range from cooperation, group formation, and the impact of migration in poor families to specific markets such as housing and labor. The techniques applied include traditional regression analysis, experimental approaches, and audit studies, as well as structural methods. This wide range of analytical approaches leads to findings that confirm some of the common perceptions regarding discrimination but challenge the conventional wisdom in other regards In some instances the long-held conventional wisdom may not hold at all. Latin Americans do not discriminate more or less than inhabitants of other regions, and the discrimination that does occur appears largely to stem from lack of information on individuals a result of great interest in colleges and universities that teach courses on Latin American development both at the undergraduate and graduate level. Furthermore, this book s findings extend to the political arena, as they challenge standard policies that have been ineffective for decades. Finally, this book should be of interest to researchers, as the empirical methods employed are at the vanguard of the profession. In fact, in addition to the contribution that this volume makes to the literature on discrimination, it also has the potential to contribute more broadly to labor economics, development economics and experimental economics, as well as to Latin American studies.
This Book was ranked at 33 by Google Books for keyword Discrimination.
Book ID of Discrimination in Latin America's Books is sObaMkCuXDcC, Book which was written byHugo opo,Alberto Chong,Andrea Morohave ETAG "e2RIF/j/Qzc"
Book which was published by World Bank Publications since 2009-12-03 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780821380826 and ISBN 10 Code is 0821380826
Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
Book which have "336 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategorySocial Science
Book was written in en
eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is trueand in ePub is true
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